Things that Entertain or Enlighten Me - Travel In the USA, Dining, Recipes, Good Reading

Friday, June 16, 2006

Everyday things that make me smile

Everyday things that make me smile

Seeing these blue hydrangas unexpectedly.

Laughing with someone.

Sincere compliments.

Finding money in an unexpected place,
like a pocket.

African violets blooming on my kitchen table.

An unexpected call, just to say hello, from a friend .

A thinking of you or thank you card or note from a friend.

A single, very small Reeseā€™s peanut butter cup.

A cat that reaches out to me with her soft paw.

A great haircut.

Fresh polish on my nails.

An unhurried warm bath or shower.

Things that smell good like honeysuckle on the fence
or passing someone in a store that has a faint but pleasant smell.

A child smiling at me.

What makes you smile?
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