A spa experience - Miraval Resort and Spa

Dear Friend,
Thank you for stopping by.
My spa experience was very relaxing, and stimulating at the same time. Two friends and I went to a spa in Arizona last week. This spa emphasizes relaxation created by both active and passive activities and individual responsibility for choices. The passive activities that created relaxation for me included bird watching, and meditation. The active routes to relaxation included many different exercise options. The individual responsibility for choices came from an atmosphere that offered lots of activities but encouraged you to only pursue those and as many as you choose. They also offered anything you wanted to eat and in a quantity you chose, but if you wanted to, you could take healthy coo

An old acquaintance once said, "Plan as if you had 20 years to live and live as if you only have today." That quote could be a summary of the philosophy they offer which they call "Mindfulness." The spa is Miraval Resort and Spa outside of Tucson Arizona and all three of us came home very relaxed. What a treat!
We ate 2 meals with a nutritionist with two different focuses, we attended two cooking classes, we did yoga, pilates, Fletcher towel works (More information farther down the page on this.) went on botanical and bird walks with a naturalist, took a journaling workshop, and had a wonderful facial, a couple of massages and a reflexology experience.
The desert was interesting and parts were pretty - the resort has a water feature that is quite large running through the middle of the property which softens the more barren desert landscape. Because of the desert they have something like 350+ days of sunshine.
I will go back to Miraval.

As I've said before no one pays me to talk about any of these things - I just enjoy writing and when I write it helps me to put my thouhts and feelings into words if I am trying to get them down on paper.
The sunrises and sunsets in the desert are beautiful. I am grateful for them. I am grateful for all the pretty birds I have the pleasure of seeing and hearing. I am grateful for friends.

Take care,
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