Posting about to resume - remodeling pictures

Dear Friend,
These pictures are of what used to be my kitchen. I offer them as explanation of why I haven't posted any new things this week. I'm in the midst of choosing tile, ordering a cooktop, deciding on whether to put in cabinets or drawers and how wide each should be and on and on. What a wonderful time I am having! Can't believe we are really doing this. Granite is choosen - something called Copper Canyon. Anyway keep watching - I'm going to get it together any minute now.
For those that know this house, that small window was over the sink. See the yard where the wall behind the breakfast table used to be? Do you see that they cut the rest of the wall off on the bottom after shoring up the ceiling/roof? They had to do that in order to pour the concrete this morning and get it level with the existing foundation in the old kitchen. Then they will frame in the new part and then tear down the remailing wall. Can you imagine living in this??
They do put some temporary wallboard up at the end of the day so that squirrels and other critters can't get in.
Lots more articles in various stages of progress - recipes and travel. I promise to have some useful information up soon.

Take care,

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