Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida
Dear Friend,

I’m glad you have a minute or two to read this letter.
I am writing and posting pictures from a previous trip to Florida, since I have letters posted in February, 2006 about our most recent trip to Florida. That way all my Florida posts will be together for anyone looking for Florida information. Maybe some of what I say will bring back your memories of a trip to Florida. It’s amazing what comes to mind when I take the time to reminisce. And maybe you will see that you would enjoy packing up the kids or grandkids and heading that way.
The top picture is a launch site at Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida. We had gone to Florida for a family reunion and included a couple of days at DisneyWorld and a half day at the Kennedy Space Center as part of that trip. I took the top picture the day after John Glenn went up in October, 1998. We were staying at DisneyWorld in Orlando 45 minutes away from the space center. I took a picture from DisneyWorld of the vapor trail as the rocket left the earth with that crew. I will write more on DisneyWorld in another post or letter soon. The second and third pictures are of rockets from the 60’s and the 70’s – the early years of the United
States space program. These older rockets are at the Kennedy Space center also.

We took a bus tour of the space center and I highly recommend the bus tour. Having someone knowledgeable explain to us what we were seeing and taking us to see things that weren’t available without the bus tour made it more interesting than it might have been for all of us – those who were more knowledgeable about our space program and those of us who are fascinated by it, but barely know the difference in a spacecraft and a rocket engine. He could also tell us when we were looking at the building where they assemble the rockets and spacecraft into one unit, that the United States flag on the side of the building is the length of something like 18 greyhound buses put end to end which helped me put into perspective how really massive that building is. Everything at the space center was massive! I have posted the Kennedy Space Center website at the bottom of this letter.
The bus driver showed us a bald eagle’s nest that the same eagle had used for several years, adding to it each year. Our guide said that the naturalists estimate that the nest weighs about 2,000 lbs. The space center is surrounded by a federal wildlife preserve which he was interested in and happy to talk about also.
Anyway, we enjoyed combining the space center with DisneyWorld and the family reunion. If I was going that far I wanted to make a super vacation out of it. I loved it all.
I stuck a learning experience into every trip we ever took with the boys as most of you do too. Dollywood in Tennessee found it's way into a trip to Washington DC, the science museum in San Diego into a California - Seaworld and Disneyland trip. Now that it's just Charlie and I, we just keep going to things like this and loving it. When the news comes on, somehow I feel it's a little more meaningful to me having been there, seen that. I will always remember when one of the boys came in and said there's trouble at the Washington Monument - real concern - he had just been there a few months before and the news seemed more personal to him.
I am so grateful for family and friends and remind myself daily how fortunate I am.
Take care,

I’m glad you have a minute or two to read this letter.
I am writing and posting pictures from a previous trip to Florida, since I have letters posted in February, 2006 about our most recent trip to Florida. That way all my Florida posts will be together for anyone looking for Florida information. Maybe some of what I say will bring back your memories of a trip to Florida. It’s amazing what comes to mind when I take the time to reminisce. And maybe you will see that you would enjoy packing up the kids or grandkids and heading that way.
The top picture is a launch site at Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida. We had gone to Florida for a family reunion and included a couple of days at DisneyWorld and a half day at the Kennedy Space Center as part of that trip. I took the top picture the day after John Glenn went up in October, 1998. We were staying at DisneyWorld in Orlando 45 minutes away from the space center. I took a picture from DisneyWorld of the vapor trail as the rocket left the earth with that crew. I will write more on DisneyWorld in another post or letter soon. The second and third pictures are of rockets from the 60’s and the 70’s – the early years of the United
States space program. These older rockets are at the Kennedy Space center also.

We took a bus tour of the space center and I highly recommend the bus tour. Having someone knowledgeable explain to us what we were seeing and taking us to see things that weren’t available without the bus tour made it more interesting than it might have been for all of us – those who were more knowledgeable about our space program and those of us who are fascinated by it, but barely know the difference in a spacecraft and a rocket engine. He could also tell us when we were looking at the building where they assemble the rockets and spacecraft into one unit, that the United States flag on the side of the building is the length of something like 18 greyhound buses put end to end which helped me put into perspective how really massive that building is. Everything at the space center was massive! I have posted the Kennedy Space Center website at the bottom of this letter.
The bus driver showed us a bald eagle’s nest that the same eagle had used for several years, adding to it each year. Our guide said that the naturalists estimate that the nest weighs about 2,000 lbs. The space center is surrounded by a federal wildlife preserve which he was interested in and happy to talk about also.
Anyway, we enjoyed combining the space center with DisneyWorld and the family reunion. If I was going that far I wanted to make a super vacation out of it. I loved it all.
I stuck a learning experience into every trip we ever took with the boys as most of you do too. Dollywood in Tennessee found it's way into a trip to Washington DC, the science museum in San Diego into a California - Seaworld and Disneyland trip. Now that it's just Charlie and I, we just keep going to things like this and loving it. When the news comes on, somehow I feel it's a little more meaningful to me having been there, seen that. I will always remember when one of the boys came in and said there's trouble at the Washington Monument - real concern - he had just been there a few months before and the news seemed more personal to him.
I am so grateful for family and friends and remind myself daily how fortunate I am.
Take care,
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