Cobras and Stutz Bearcats - One more on vintage cars

Thank you for spending a minute or two with me. Glad you came.
One more story about the Concours de Elegance car show on Amelia Island, Florida, then I promise to move on. On Friday afternoon the cars that would be auctioned off on Saturday at the RM Auction were spread out over the lawn at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. There was a lovely red Packard Sport Phaeton who’s owner tells of driving the car often and how well it still runs and I know that’s true of the old Packards. There was a white 1958 Olds convertible and bright yellow 1915 Stutz Bearcat and there was a black 1960’s black cobra – a race car. Towards the end of the afternoon they began moving the cars one at a time, to the enclosed garage for the evening. Well, when that deep rumble of the cobra reverberated across the lawn, every man there got quiet and listened. They all stood up straight. I know just how they feel. I walked into a building the other day and was hit with the unmistakable smell of cinnamon rolls and I got quiet and looked for the source immediately.
One last note about the Florida trip – we cut it short and came home due to a “bad bug” that hit my husband and wouldn’t leave. You’ve probably had it or know someone who has. That tightness in the chest and the constant cough. A nice lady named Nancy at Southwest Airlines helped us find a route with 2 available seats on each of the three planes – no scheduled routes available because of Spring Break. We were in 5 airports on Thursday and we are very grateful to be home. There will be no notes about the Keys or Miami because we didn’t get there – will have to cover that on our next trip to Florida.
Take care,

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