Things that Entertain or Enlighten Me - Travel In the USA, Dining, Recipes, Good Reading

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Private journaling vs. public journaling

Dear Friend,
Thank you for stopping by today.
This blog or journal is what I would call a public journal. I write this purposefully to share with others. The focus I’ve chosen for it are those things that entertain and enlighten me. This blog gives me a reason to organize my thoughts about my reading be it blogs, websites, newspapers, books, or magazines. It is where I record some of the details and my thoughts about my travels and love of eating. My maintenance and pursuit of good health is something that I want to focus on, be motivated to do, and make more interesting. Taking just 60 seconds to focus on a good memory and something that I am grateful for each day makes me smile. This blog enables me to do all of that.

But for the next six weeks I will be keeping a private journal also. I will only spend maybe 10 minutes a day – long enough for me to write a few sentences, but short enough to work easily into my other activities. I will be using the topics and focus of a website that is of a spiritual nature. While this is a Christian site, anyone interested in pursuing a spiritual life could use most of the topics in the 6 week Lent practice. It just wouldn’t be Lent for them. It could be pursued any six weeks of the year. There is much that would be appropriate in other faiths – jewish to new age. Easter is April 16th and so for me my six weeks begins now and ends with Easter.

This week my private journaling will be about:
(The next two paragraphs are copied from

"We become so habituated to the routines of our lives, that we can find ourselves shut off from what is new, what is challenging, what takes us to the edge, what causes our heart to thump and our breath to shorten. Lent invites us to clear the channels – open the gates – unbar the doors that keep us safe and stuck in the comfortable patterns that are so familiar. Take time this week to consider how you are closed off to new experiences and begin to crack the walls that hold you enclosed.
What patterns are keeping me bound in routines that are shutting me off from the wonder and dynamism of life?
· In my work?· In my family?· In my community?· In my soul.

I am grateful for extended family today. Sister, brother, cousins – family that I have chosen for family. I remember stencil painting fruit on kitchen towels for my Mom for Mother’s Day with my sister. Late at night – which being only 8 or 9 years old was a treat in itself.

Take care,


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