What a Way to Start the Day
Dear Friend,
The temperature is maybe 65 degrees this morning, there's a cool breeze, spring bulbs are in bloom – snapdragons and johnny jumpups in other people’s yards. There’s a climbing rose that has entwined itself around a couple of branches in an oak tree and so the oak tree appears to have red roses on it. So lovely. If I hadn’t walked about a mile and a half this morning, I would have missed the flowers and the breeze. What a delightful time in life. I'm glad I walked. I'm glad you are here.

I got up early this morning – because I couldn’t sleep and decided to make it a small pleasure. I plugged in my music box and turned it on to play softly. The music box is one that plays 25, one minute snippets of songs from my Mom’s era like “Up the Old Mill Stream” and 25 more choruses of Christmas music. It’s electric but the sound is of real bells playing as well as music “box music” for there are 4 real bells in it that play with the tunes. Then I sat and read the P D James Mystery that I’ve been reading and listened to my music. I ate my favorite breakfast and then went for a walk. Couldn’t have been nicer. I think I’ll give some thought to other activities that bring me enjoyment that I could incorporate into an hour and a half for a sort of mini vacation or small pleasurable time. Then the day sort of takes care of itself. Washing is in the washer, with two more loads laid out to follow. The bed is made, pills taken, list of errands and chores compiled and then there will be time for needlepoint this afternoon before going out for a casual dinner with two of our favorite people. Maybe choosing to enjoy myself is a form of gratitude – not wasting that time with worry or negative thoughts. If you’ve not taken at least one morning a month and given yourself a pedicure, right after your walk and bubble bath, followed by a breakfast you enjoy then either do it or plan what works for you!
Take care,
The temperature is maybe 65 degrees this morning, there's a cool breeze, spring bulbs are in bloom – snapdragons and johnny jumpups in other people’s yards. There’s a climbing rose that has entwined itself around a couple of branches in an oak tree and so the oak tree appears to have red roses on it. So lovely. If I hadn’t walked about a mile and a half this morning, I would have missed the flowers and the breeze. What a delightful time in life. I'm glad I walked. I'm glad you are here.

I got up early this morning – because I couldn’t sleep and decided to make it a small pleasure. I plugged in my music box and turned it on to play softly. The music box is one that plays 25, one minute snippets of songs from my Mom’s era like “Up the Old Mill Stream” and 25 more choruses of Christmas music. It’s electric but the sound is of real bells playing as well as music “box music” for there are 4 real bells in it that play with the tunes. Then I sat and read the P D James Mystery that I’ve been reading and listened to my music. I ate my favorite breakfast and then went for a walk. Couldn’t have been nicer. I think I’ll give some thought to other activities that bring me enjoyment that I could incorporate into an hour and a half for a sort of mini vacation or small pleasurable time. Then the day sort of takes care of itself. Washing is in the washer, with two more loads laid out to follow. The bed is made, pills taken, list of errands and chores compiled and then there will be time for needlepoint this afternoon before going out for a casual dinner with two of our favorite people. Maybe choosing to enjoy myself is a form of gratitude – not wasting that time with worry or negative thoughts. If you’ve not taken at least one morning a month and given yourself a pedicure, right after your walk and bubble bath, followed by a breakfast you enjoy then either do it or plan what works for you!
Take care,
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